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Two different Mac address generated from Unraid


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Good day every one , i notice that my unraid server generate two different mac address , one is remaning the same when i restart the machine the other one i continuosly changing.

 Is this noirmal or is samething that i need to be concerned .

The mac address is not caming from docker or vm because i also tried to disable both and the mac address is still presennt on the list of connected device on my unifi controller ( i also delete the mac address and is caming back again)

I am a bit concerned bacause i receicve continuosly various attak that my firwall block on that second mac addres  generated .


Can you plase help me to identify this .

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have same issue however it appears to be from Docker MAC address that keeps changing every reboot. The ether connection in my router seems to stay the same for the Unraid server and no issues connecting to Unraid server. However every reboot I am not able to hit my Plex server until I log into my router and allow the new MAC address on my network then all is good again until the next reboot. I did not have this issue pre maybe Sept 2022 and have yet to find a solution. 


Appears I am not the only one: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=unraid+docker+gets+new+mac+address+every+reboot%3F

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