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Adding 4x4TB disks to 1x14tb unraid server - clone current array to new disk


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Hi all,


I'm wanting to upgrade hardware for the server and only now have I been able to also buy 4x4tb disks to go with the single 14tb array. How can I move all media from the 1x14tb to all new disks without loosing data and making the 14tb disk the parity disk?


With this, I'll be upgrading from 2.5 inch SSD's to M.2's. I'll need to clone these, too. I understnad this might not be possible but, one of the m.2's currently has a lot of games installed from a windows machine. The plan it to use steam container directly connect to the gpu to play these. Would this be less of a headache to re-download these than mess with different file directories?


I understand it's probably been asked many times and I'm sorry for probably making a duplicate thread ( I did search!). If this is the case, could sombody point me to the right documentation?

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