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Enabled Bridge generates random ipv6 identifier.

Go to solution Solved by Mainfrezzer,

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Ive been noticing that my ipv6 changes everytime i reboot the server or it fetches its new ip. Ive tinkered around and noticed that the bridge feature is the culprit that assigns br0 a random interface identifier everytime. (privacy extentions are set disabled)

Is there a way to force a permanent interface identifier without disabling the bridge function? I do need a stable interface identifier on that machineĀ šŸ˜“

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  • 4 weeks later...

Small or big update, depending how you see it:

Ive found a way to "cheese" it, that does not require a second NIC

All you need to do is change to the following settings in the config/network.cfg and it magically works!

Im really curious what the BRSTP setting actually is. Since it is required to be set to Yes, which defaults to No. This might be a bug, because the Yes only appeared after i bridged two nics. Might be the privacy extensions part, idk. But hey. It works, it gives out the static identifier.

(What ive noticed with my Fritzbox, you need to enter a "Ghostnic" inĀ BRNICS[0], so it looks likeĀ 

BRNICS[0]="eth0 eth1"

for some reason, if you dont do it, the portforwarding for ipv6 is absolutely broken.

Could also be just the case of ipvlan being set, macvlan is the choice for that router. Anyway, it works regardless one way or another.


Edited by Mainfrezzer
Added some observation
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