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Trouble setting up tunneling through Wireguard VPN

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Hi all,

I've been using Tailscale for tunneling, however I do want to add some other users and the WireGuard VPN that's built in seems a better option for me, seeing that it's free and I'm not using any advanced features of Tailscale anyway. I just want to give some friends access to certain services that I'm running without exposing my server to the entirety of the internet. I've been trying to set WireGuard VPN up in the settings menu, but the handshake between devices never seems to happen, as I've tried adding my phone as a device that could connect to my server.

I've looked around quite a bit for the answer to my question. These are the steps that I've undertaken already in order to troubleshoot it myself.
- Forwarded the port 51820 on my router
- Added a cloudflare domain for dynamic DNS, I've also tested the actual IP-address instead of the subdomain to be certain that I haven't set that up incorrect
- Tried disabling NAT
- Deleted all the config files on appdata from the old Wireguard-Easy container, in case those were interfering

Are there any other points which could cause the WG tunnel not to work? I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Thanks in advance!

Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 11.44.14.png

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