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SOLVED - Moving files from ext4 to unraid using UA

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Anyone successful with pulling data off of a synology. I have a ds713+ formatted in a raid 1 with 2 x 10 TB drives. One drive died. I pulled the working drive and installed it in my unraid. I'm trying to mount it using unassigned disks (have it and the pro running) but it won't mount? I've read other forums and unassigned disks should be able to read ext4. Any ideas or trouble shooting advice



Edited by Vitalsignser
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You have a few choices

1. Copy from synology over network. Simplest, reliable. Speeds won't be bad over 1gbps for a spinner as long as your synology doesn't bottleneck. I've done it this way

2. Break raid to basic in synology, then mount via UD. You need to look for corresponding adadm commands

3. Pass the disk via ata-id to a Linux VM and mount it there using mdadm (unraid cannot do that as it uses its own md stack). Then rsync back to unraid share


I would keep it simple and go with 1, all you need is wait until copy finishes

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  • Vitalsignser changed the title to SOLVED - Moving files from ext4 to unraid using UA

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