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Questions regarding addons

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Sup peeps.


Been using unRAID for a few weeks now. I have purchased the Plus version thus far. I am having no problem with the main function of unRAID itself.


I am only having problems with adding extra things. I have unmenu installed. My problem may lie with my version being 5.0-beta9 but I highly doubt it as the main stuff works.


I installed openssl from within unmenu and I can not use the openssl command in terminal.


I also get a problem when doing wget and a place that is not an IP address. It can not resolve the host. I need to manually give it an IP address.


I can not view / with in smb. Is there a reason for this? Even installing proftpd you need to manually move things, which to me it looks like it would have done it for you.


So, besides those questions what type of linux is this besides just slackware?


I will be tackling the install of VM on unRAID. Will installing multiple programs make the basic functionality unstable?


If I was to install glftpd how can I install it by following normal linux guides?


I don't completely understand how unRAID is running with a linux program.



I hope someone can answer some of my questions.


Also, I wish there was an IRC channel for unRAID as I see there used to be one that was official. Are thre unofficial channels anyone knows of?




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I installed openssl from within unmenu and I can not use the openssl command in terminal.

You will need to install openssl and the openssh package I believe.


I also get a problem when doing wget and a place that is not an IP address. It can not resolve the host. I need to manually give it an IP address.

Make sure a default gateway is defined in the Settings -> Network settings section.

Can you do a

ping www.google.com



I can not view / with in smb. Is there a reason for this? Even installing proftpd you need to manually move things, which to me it looks like it would have done it for you.

Why would you want to view / over smb?  Most non technical users would now care to see that and would probably be more confused if they did.  With that being said, you can add a smb-extra.conf file in your config folder on your flash drive and add / as an export.  Just do a search hear or on google for how to do it.


So, besides those questions what type of linux is this besides just slackware?

unRAID is slackware based, nothing more nothing less.  It is special because of the way it works, but it is slackware based.


I will be tackling the install of VM on unRAID. Will installing multiple programs make the basic functionality unstable?

If you fubar the install of VM on unRAID then yes, it could effect stability. I know there are people running VM on unRAID without issue.


If I was to install glftpd how can I install it by following normal linux guides?

Short answer is it depends on the program.  Most applications that can be installed on unRAID work fairly well without much/any modification to the application itself.  The trick is getting it to reinstall on a reboot.  If the app is installed 9 times of 10 it is installed in RAM (where unRAID runs from) and therefore will not survive a reboot.  A lot of us use a cache drive to run applications from without needing them to be reinstalled.


I don't completely understand how unRAID is running with a linux program.

unRAID is an OS, not an application per say.  There is an application, emhttp, but the core functionality of unRAID makes it an OS.


Also, I wish there was an IRC channel for unRAID as I see there used to be one that was official. Are thre unofficial channels anyone knows of?

Not as of yet, there was talk recently about starting a new IRC or google group type thing up, but nothing is set in stone as of yet.

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