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Plex Server Installation and HDD standby problem

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Hi, I have an unraid server (6.11.5) with 15 HDD and 2TB NVME raid 1 cache drives. As its not used that often I have enabled the HDD spin down option and configured it to 15 minutes. When the server is not used for 15 minutes all the HDD powers down which is I want/need.


However when I install Plex Server as a docker on the unraid server, for some reason it keeps few of the HDDs powered up and spinning. When I stop the plex server docker for 20 minutes as a test I see all the HDD spin down ok, but as soon as I start the Plex docker, again some of the HDD spin up and stay spinning.


To combat this problem I installed Plex server on a VM, which allows all the HDDs to go into spin down, but I am not happy with the VM performance. So i want to move back to the docker install on the Unraid Server, however, the fact the Plex server keeps some of the HDD spinning is what is stopping me. I really prefer to run plex on unraid as a docker. Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem please? Thank you in advance.



The user itimpi has suggested I attach the diagnostic which I agree with and its a good suggestion, unfortunately i uninstalled plex server from unraid before and currently there is no active install of plex on the urnaid server. Its still on a VM machine, but want to do a new install on unraid if i can find a solution to the above problem.

Edited by Propro009
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