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No notification on warning and alert for disk temperatures in Discord or Mail

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I have 3 instances of Unraid, all runing 6.10.3, and I got the same problem on all of them.

I've set upp to get notification thru Discord.

But I only get notified when the disk temperature returns to normal, not when it hits the warning or alert thresholds.

The notifications in Unraid WebUI works as intended and I get a notification on warning, alert and when it's set to normal again.

Since I get the notification when it returns to normal I know that my notifications to Discord work.

I also now setup mail alerts, and I get the test mail, but nothing else, not even the status normal notification.

I'm probably missing something, but I can't figure out what. 

Any advice on what the problem can be?


To reproduce, configure Discord as notification.
Make sure Agents are selected at Notices, Warnings, Alerts.

Set warning disk temp to like 20, wait for the notification in Unraid WebUI, nothing in discord
Set the warning disk temp to the correct value, wait for notification in Unriad WebUI and in discord that it has returned to normal again


Edited by jdomlin
Added Unriad version
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