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How does a router's DHCP interact with Docker containers configured in br0 networking mode?

Go to solution Solved by Vr2Io,

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I first plug my unRAID machine into the router and the router's DHCP assigns it In my router configuration portal, indeed I see that my machine is assigned in the attached devices list.


Running some containers in bridge mode and configuring port mappings allow me to access the containers' services through the LAN using<port>. For example, Jellyfin is accessible through


Now, I add another container (pihole) and configure this to run on the custom network br0, assigning it a static IP address of If I then check the attached devices list on my router configuration page, I see that my unRAID machine is now assigned, and yet Jellyfin is still accessible through! How is this possible if as far as the router is concerned, there is no device with an IP address of


*Router model: NETGEAR WAX204

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Because docker network have IPVLAN and MACVLAN mode, in IPVLAN mode, all containers use same MAC address ( real interfaces's MAC address ). Most consumer network equipment will list / count device by MAC address ones only, so you will got either one of IP's with same MAC address instead same MAC address with different IP.

Edited by Vr2Io
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