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Red Drive 8, Orange Start


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I just installed a new drive 12, which completes my system, which is now full.  14 drives, one parity.  Some are 976k some are 1.5 tet. Parity, of course is 1.5 tet.  Running 4.5.3.  When I woke up this morning, all drives appeared as unformatted.  As I knew only one drive was actually unformated, I thought I'll just hit format.  As soon as I did, it started formatting drive 8. So, I turned everything off.  When I restarted, all drives were working, all drives mounted, but there is an red, instead of green on drive 8.  Also, start shows orange.  Also, when I access the Tower via explorer, everything works, but it does not show any files on Drive 8 or Drive 5.  Drive 5 was not impacted, and is green.  WTF?  Can someone tell me what to do.




P.S. Syslog attached, I hope it's enough


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Thanks for the post.  Of man, now that I read the thread, I see I got hit with a bug in 4.5.3.  The other disks, and drives seem to work, except disk 5 has no files and disk 8 shows as disabled.  Reading the thread I cannot see how to fix it. I did read a thread on a disabled drive that suggests removing it from the device menu, shutting down, restarting, adding it to the device menu, so it will see it as new, and then restarting, and doing a parity check.  Right now, I am stuck.  I can actually access and play movies from my shared New Movies, but; don't know when I'll hit data that is either on drive 8 or 5.

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I have added syslog, tried a couple of things that didn't work, removed drive 8 from devices, then added back as new, raid spent 10 hours rebuilding, at some point it must have failed, red dot still there, drive statistics same, but no accessable data.  Also, looking into Drives 5 and 7, they show green without any data when you access from explorer.  I am going to try updating the version to 4.7, but; after that I'm out of ideas.  Also, have a large sys log, put only part up, here is another try of my 8-11 syslog, it's not all, but the size fits


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I have added syslog, tried a couple of things that didn't work, removed drive 8 from devices, then added back as new, raid spent 10 hours rebuilding, at some point it must have failed, red dot still there, drive statistics same, but no accessable data.  Also, looking into Drives 5 and 7, they show green without any data when you access from explorer.  I am going to try updating the version to 4.7, but; after that I'm out of ideas.  Also, have a large sys log, put only part up, here is another try of my 8-11 syslog, it's not all, but the size fits

You have apparently decided to forge ahead without advice.   I wish you luck.   Be careful... one wrong move now might cause even more data loss.


You are best to send an e-mail to [email protected]  (or a PM to limetech through the forum)  


as far as I can see, you should NOT be writing to the array at all. (you might have broken that rule when you decided to re-construct drive 8.  We will have to see.)


Unless you know WHY drive 8 is red, you cannot proceed unless you are ready to lose everything once on it.


a drive is RED when a write to it fails.    It is marked as unformatted if it cannot be mounted as a reiserfs.   You have a hardware issue to resolve, and then (probably) a software issue since you (probably) re-formatted all your disks.


The "no accessible data" is easy to explain.  The bug (and you pressing the Format button) erased it.


You must now work on

A. recovering your data.

 to do that, you need to know if your disks are healthy.

 to do that, get a smartctl report from each.  

    If they respond to a smartctl report request, perform a "reiserfsck --check" on each.  (For now, DO NOT DO ANY REPAIR UNTIL YOU REPORT THE STATUS OF THE CHECK)


B. making your hardware sane again.

C. restoring parity protection.



Joe L.

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O.K., I will do nothing else.  Sorry, in panic mode, give me a second to get the correct syslog up.  I have check all disks and they look good.  This box is brand new, drives have some age, but all reporting good.  So this is some kind of damage from hitting the format key in 4.5.3 when all drives showed as unformatted. Hoping to be saved.


Sent a couple emails to Tom without success.



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I figured out how to login in to the tower with keyboard and monitor hooked up.  Unfortunately my syslog.1 and syslog.2 do not appear to be present.  I do see a syslog and a syslog.txt I wrote with the instructions I saw online.  What is the suggestion of how to check the hard drives and then rescheck

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I am really stuck.  It looks like the syslog.1 or syslog.2 that would have the information of what happened can't be found, and when I try and do a umount can't find /dev/md1 or /dev/md2, and when I try reiserfsck, I get the same kind of message, Failed to open the device /dev/md2.  Current status of the Gui menu, shows the disk blue, and asks me to check box and start the raid, but; I don't want to do that, for all the reasons, I was warned to do nothing.


Any more help would be welcomed.  Trying to work my way step by step, but; not getting very far.

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I have a feeling if I don't start the raid, with all the problems that may create, I will not be able to properly do the smartcl check or the reaschk.  I keep getting device not found, no matter which I use now.  They all report good on boot, for smartcl purposes, however

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