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BTRFS error (device sdaa1): bdev /dev/sdaa1 errs: wr 106017132, rd 82906, flush 0, corrupt 0, gen 0

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I started getting these notifications a few weeks ago,  "fstrim: /mnt/mediacache: the discard operation is not supported". I went to poke around and checked my logs to find a wall of this: BTRFS error (device sdaa1): bdev /dev/sdaa1 errs: wr 106017132, rd 82906, flush 0, corrupt 0, gen 0


what causes this, and what should I do to remedy the situation?

Shut down, reseat cables, start back up?

I've uploaded my diagnostics


Edited by Neldonado
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  • Neldonado changed the title to BTRFS error (device sdaa1): bdev /dev/sdaa1 errs: wr 106017132, rd 82906, flush 0, corrupt 0, gen 0

Syslog rotated so cannot see the beginning of the problem, but looks like this device dropped offline a few days ago:


May  4 04:43:00 Skynet kernel: BTRFS error (device sdaa1): bdev /dev/sdaa1 errs: wr 67401451, rd 44447, flush 0, corrupt 0, gen 0


Reboot and post new diags after array start.

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3 hours ago, JorgeB said:

No device errors so far, the ones you see logged is btrfs bringing that device up to sync, SMART looks good, you should now run a scrub, if it happens again replace the cables, also take a look here for better pool monitoring so you're notified if there's a problem.

Are these the same errors (see picture) sdx is the other drive in this cache pool. 

BTFS error (device sdl: state EA): parent transid verify failed on 316334

9286912 wanted 36459 found 36425

uploading diagnostics again. Somethings weird going on, I replaced all my cables a month or two ago and I just started noticing these errors out of nowhere.



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14 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

You can use the GUI, click on the first pool member and scroll down to the scrub section.

So I do that and it refreshes and says aborted? 

UUID: xxxx

Scrub started: Mon May 8 05:57:58 2023 Status: aborted Duration: 0:00:00 Total to scrub: 3.04TiB Rate: 0.00B/s Error summary: no errors found

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6 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

I see that the scrub is aborting but not why it is aborting, reboot and try again, if the issue persists best to backup and recreate the pool.

Tons of errors being corrected… this is all good I hope? Looks like I’ve got some downtime before it’s finished. 


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