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Cannot Write/Delete on unassigned Drives

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I'm new to Unraid. Been loving it so far. I'm trying to clear out some old hard drives and have attached them as unassigned drives separate from the array. I have created a user with read write permissions for the unassigned drives and linked it to windows. From windows I can read the drives and copy off of them. However when deleting files it shows the action of deleting files but then nothing is deleted.  When I try to write a file to the disk it comes up saying that the drive is write protected. I have attached the diagnostics file. Anyway around this? I would like to everything from windows as it is easy to copy stuff out then purge as I go through these old files. Thanks.


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The ntfs file system is unclean:

May 11 07:42:10 Dominator unassigned.devices: Mount cmd: /sbin/mount -t 'ntfs' -o rw,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,umask=000 '/dev/sdb2' '/mnt/disks/Backup'
May 11 07:42:10 Dominator  ntfs-3g[4624]: Version 2022.10.3 integrated FUSE 27
May 11 07:42:10 Dominator  ntfs-3g[4624]: Mounted /dev/sdb2 (Read-Only, label "Backup", NTFS 3.1)
May 11 07:42:10 Dominator  ntfs-3g[4624]: Cmdline options: rw,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,umask=000
May 11 07:42:10 Dominator  ntfs-3g[4624]: Mount options: nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,allow_other,nonempty,noatime,ro,default_permissions,fsname=/dev/sdb2,blkdev,blksize=4096
May 11 07:42:10 Dominator  ntfs-3g[4624]: Global ownership and permissions enforced, configuration type 1
May 11 07:42:11 Dominator unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted 'sdb2' on '/mnt/disks/Backup'.
May 11 07:42:11 Dominator unassigned.devices: Mount warning: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting.) Could not mount read-write, trying read-only .


Normally this occurs when the disk is removed from a Windows PC and not properly disconnected first.

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