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UNRAID XFS Reflink=1 CRC=1 and Veeam 12 BR works only with /mnt/disk but not with /mnt/user

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Hi, perhaps someone will be able to help me with my problem.


I am using Veeam 12 BR Community Edition for my server backups. The backup is to a UNRAID server. I want to use XFS (reflinks) file system technology. The UNRAID version is 6.11.5 and the disks have been reformatted to XFS.


I will describe briefly what my problem is.


In the Veeam software, I add a new host, select Linux, enter root data (from UNRAID). Veeam connects to the UNRAID server trying to install the two components, but fails to do so (error appears) - the errors it shows concern the situation if I gave the login to UNRAID without root. The host is added correctly.

I then add a new file repository (I select the previously added Linux host (UNRAID) as the host. When adding a new file repository, Veeam correctly shows all folders on UNRAID. And now:


  1.  If mark anything from /mnt/disk1, disk2, disk 3 (so physical disks) as a file repository, Veeam correctly detects the file system on the host as XFS and uses this technology (very fast synthetic backups, etc.) I tested such a configuration and although it is not supported by Veeam - it works.
  2. If select anything from /mnt/user/ as a file storage location, Veeam does not allow to complete the configuration with an error: the indicated location does not contain the XFS file system.


Any thoughts?

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