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[solved] Is there a simple way to get HTTPS

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Hello Unraidians,


I want to install vaultwarden on my unraid box. I am stuck however because after setting up a user I have to use HTTPS, which I did not setup. So the digging began... First I thought to set-up a cloudflare tunnel, but after reading I am not feeling comfortable to use it because it basically decrypts my data. Especically for a docker with vaultwarden that seems to be not right. At least for me.

So I tried duckDNS, Swag, Nginx videos to study more on that topic. But that seems like a lot of work for just a local setup. I have no interest to open up anything for the world or to use in on the road. Maybe with a zerotier connection in the future.


So, now I am stuck, and allthough I have studied a bit the last few days. These seem the only option. Still I wanted to try to ask it here if there is a simple setup to do this only locally.


Thanks in advance! :D


edit [solved]


I used tailscale in combination with nginx et voila. :D

Edited by Frywalker
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