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Unusual VM crashing issue.

Go to solution Solved by Chiapet,

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I have my main windows 10 vm with my video card passed through and I tried installing another VM (server 2016) and during the start of windows install my main vm crashes no errors in the logs at all it just shuts off. If I try to restart it I get an error "internal error qemu unexpectedly closed the monitor". but this does not happen during the crash just if I try to reopen windows 10 while server 2016 is still running.


This started happening since I had to reinstall windows 10 and set it all up again as the vm corrupted (still not sure what happened, just stopped booting). before this using the same setup I was able to have other vms no problem. Now I am only using VNC for server 2016 no vid card.


Now I am also getting an error in unraid Out Of Memory errors detected on your server. I am not sure why this is happening and it could be related to the issue above as they both started happening when I tried to install a second vm. I have attached my system log if someone could help with these as I am new to unraid and am still learning everything


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  • Solution

OK So I found the issue although between unraid my docker and my servers I was only using 30G of ram apparrently somehting was overflowing it and causing both issues. More ram needed. I have solved this and hopefully now it will be good to go.

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