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Best Practices on persisting (Docker) Volumes with Docker-Compose in Unraid?

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Hello everybody,

last week I upgraded from Unraid 6.9.2 to Version 6.12.2. After that I got some error messages like
- general protection fault, probably for non-canonical adress...
- BTRFS critical (device loop2): corrupt leaf. block...
These were caused by a corrupted docker image. I learned that, in this case, you can basically get rid of this image and simple build a new one, since the templates (for building the container) and the appdata is stored outside of the image.
So after rebuild all standard Community Application container, I recreated the only container deployed via Docker-Compose (Teslamate), and all the data was missing :( . After some research I learned that its volumes are basically stored in the docker.img. Luckily I didn't deleted the corrupt, old image. I managed to mount it again, only starting the teslamate container and was able to do a backup. 


Now, the following things:
- first of all do backups :)
- second: everybody who is using docker-compose: make sure to persist the data outside of the docker image (I almost lost 2 years of driving data and felt really bad)
- and lastly: are there any best practices on persisting data in unraid? I would simply manually editing the yml and mapping the volumes to the corresponding appfolder (in this case /appdata/teslamate)

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