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[v6.12.2] Two dockers update info consitently "not available"

Go to solution Solved by weirdcrap,

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I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out what my issue is as I've rarely had any issues with docker and updating before.


The LinuxServer.io SABNZBD container and the plextraktsync container are consistently reporting that update info is not available".


I haven't changed anything on my end and the repos still appear to be up and active. I don't really see where UnRAID or docker logs any further details about WHY this information is unavailable so I'm struggling to find troubleshooting resources.


Repos are here: https://ghcr.io/taxel/plextraktsync  & https://github.com/orgs/linuxserver/packages/container/package/sabnzbd


I know this was a widespread issue a few versions ago but afaik that was corrected already.


I tried to look for threads from others but my Google-Fu is failing me apparently.


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Hmm ok maybe this is a DNS thing? I kind of forgot I had a second server (I've been keeping it off because its so hot upstairs) so I installed the dockers and they seem to be able to check for updates on this server. I compared the repo URLs and they're the same.


Both servers are behind pfsense routers (v2.7.0) with nearly identical configurations. DNS on the routers has the two repo domains cached correctly.


EDIT: I forgot I think I patched my docker file manually rather than use the plugin like I thought I did:

But this wouldn't persist after a reboot without an entry in my go file or a user script, right?


I don't have a script or anything to reapply it so I don't think this is the issue but I could be wrong.

Edited by weirdcrap
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Alright so I guess the containers were just kind of borked. I removed them and got a "no such container" error. After reinstalling the containers they both check for updates successfully.

Should have tried it sooner but didn't believe anything was wrong with the containers since they were both working correctly.

Edited by weirdcrap
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