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Unraid will not boot (normal or safe mode) after installing new Nvidia GPU

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I'm wondering if you can assist me with another issue? 


I'm running an Intel I5-12600k with a Gigabyte Z690 board. Everything is brand new and tested so it works. 

I can boot no problem to Unraid GUI when Intel integrated graphics is used, but I cannot boot into Unraid when installing a GPU in the PCI slot. I've tried 3 different cards with no luck. I'm currently trying to boot into Unraid with an Nvidia GTX1080 (I know this GPU works as it has been tested/used in other systems), but the system gets hung up at, 'Intel_rapl_common: Found RAPL domain core'. I ensured I deactivated the integrated graphics in the bios as well. The screen is frozen at this stage and I cannot cntrl+alt+delete or anything. I have to reset the system. When I boot in GUI safe mode, I get one step further to a black screen with a flashing cursor in the top left, and if I press 'esc' the computer will restart. 


Basically I cannot get Unraid running unless I use the Intel Processor built in GPU. I cannot get any GPU's to work after several attempts. Would you mind giving me a hand with this? Is there a plugin or app I should be installing? Thanks



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I'm gonna just assume you're trying to boot via EFI and for that you need the Nvidia drivers. I don't know if the board is capable supporting legacy bios boot. If it does, disable EFI boot on the usb stick by renaming the EFI folder to -EFI.


Otherwise, boot in the Unraid version without GUI and use a different computer (or Smartphone) to access the website and install the Nvidia drivers via the community apps and then reboot the pc and you can select the GUI boot method 

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You bet, I have a monitor plugged into the card and I disable the onboard GPU in the Bios. The only thing left I can try is installing the Nvidia drivers from another PC and rebooting in EFI. If that doesn't work I'm not sure what to do. It would be really helpful if a basic Nvidia and Radeon driver was part of the Unraid software, and auto detects the GPU automatically; applying the driver as needed. I mean, obviously most people will run one of these two GPU's. 

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4 hours ago, 142Hallcrescent said:

I will give it a shot and let you know, thank you very much!


It took a while until i figured that one out too. Wanted to test something before changing stuff on the real machine and that one just happend to have a 1060 in it. Same thing, blinking courser and all. Was quiet baffled until i figured out that bios just straight up works fine (but wonky with higher resolution screens) but uefi needs the drivers to work. 

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