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SAFE MODE: No local GUI, No remote GUI, no remote SSH?


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In trying to troubleshoot my Pool configuration problem, I've been trying to boot my 6.12.3 server into safe mode bujt that's not working, so I'm hoping for a bit of guidance. Here's the link to the thread that gives rise to this one;


Anyway, when I boot to SAFE GUI mode, server boots up OK, I log in on local display. but no GUI is displayed. Firefox says unable to connect. 

When I try to connect remotely, I get a connection refused in my remote browser, and SSH reports that key fo [IP] had changed and that host key verification failed.


I've read up a bunch of the 'No GUI' threads, but found nothing helpful.


Furtherest I got was finding NGNIX was not running. I started it and got a bad gateway. I restarted both it and rc.php-fpm and was directed to a blank page at /Tools/registration. (no other UI URLS would load either.


I completely emptied my plugins directory, but had the same issues on reboot to SAFE mode.




So am stuck. Diagnostics attached.


Current advice on other thread is to rebuild USB. Would like to no whats's wrong though.






Edited by meep
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