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NOOB trying to set up Dockers, Containers, and Downloaders...

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Unraid OS Pro 6.12.3


Let me start by saying I have been watching Space Invaders videos and I am still riding the struggle bus. Can someone please give me the steps to set up and App like couch potato, or Binhex Deluge on a clean install? It is obviously not just a click and play. Or I am just not getting it. I don't expect a full list of instructions (I will take any help I can get though), just the basics, and I might be able to grind my way through it.



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Space Invader is a great start. I've been on unRaid since 2011 and still watch all his videos for help and ideas. 


Few suggestions from my opinions. 


I believe couchpotato is depreciated or being depreciated. I may be wrong though. I would look into SABNZBD for a downloader. Then build out with the ARR's. 


When starting out, pick a developer and try and stick with them. I mainly use Linuxserver images but binhex and ich777 are great too. Running stuff from all of them. Sticking with one greatly improves multiple dockers having cross compatibility out the box with less or zero changes.


Your main question you're asking for help with, as you said, isn't really explainable with a few replies.  


Lay your groundwork first, get your server/array setup like you want. Get you share(s) setup like you want. Get your plug-ins installed that you want/need. 


I'll DM you a few questions and answers but I don't want that to stop other from helping you on this thread. 

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