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Help on create my first Unraid server

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Hi guys, I'm getting the server I ordered soon, it's a motherboard with a Celeron N5105 on it with a TPD of 10w. It seemed like the best solution for good performance and low power consumption. I'll be adding 16GB of ram and a 128gb sata ssd where I'll surely install Home Assistant (already in use on a raspberry that I'll be using for other things), PLEX and PhotoPrism (or similar solutions for automatic backup of photos from smartphones) in docker.
Having said that, we come to my doubt. I own 4hdds with stuff already in them for a total of 8TB, NTFS file system. Once I put them in Unraid it will ask me to format them... what strategy can I use to make a correct transfer?


My situation:

Disk 1: 3TB - 2.3GB occupied
Disk 2: 2TB - 1.3GB occupied
Disc 3: 2TB - 1.9GB occupied
Disk 4: 1TB - 230GB occupied


I would like to buy a 4TB IronWolf to use as a parity disk and all the others I plan to format in ZFS.
I was planning to empty disk 1 and 2 in the 4TB (not yet in parity!), put both in Unraid, format them in ZFS and pool them.
Empty the remaining 2 disks into the pool and then format them in ZFS and put them into the pool as well.
Finally empty the 4TB disk, which currently has the data, into the pool and then format it as parity.


Is this a good strategy? When I put the last 2 disks in the pool it will still take a long time to rebuild everything, right?

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Unraid has to format its disks to get them correctly partitioned and formatted (which wipes any existing contents).


you need at least 1 drive with no content to get started.    This can then be added and formatted as the first disk in the Unraid array.    If you then install the Unassigned Devices plugin this will allow you to mount NTFS drives so that you can copy the content off onto the array drive.   The Dynamix File Manager plugin can help with this.  Once the drive has all its content removed the drive can then be added to the Unraid array to give additional space.   Repeat as many times as needed.


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