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Help my flash drive got wiped when powering off and I dont have a backup

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As the title says my flash drive got wiped during a power down and I have had to re-format it and put a fresh copy of unraid on it. Im trying to protect my data I have around 9tb of stuff i want to keep I have all the drives allocated corectly but Im not sure if the shares will re appear after a parity sync or not? can i just add the shares again after the parity sync and they will marry up with the shares that were previously allocated? any advice appreciated

  • 1 month later...

Sigh... I'm looking for this answer to. 


Can anyone help some fellow unRaiders out?


I assigned my 2 data drives and started the array.  I see all my data under disc1 and disc2.  I'm afraid I'm going to do something wrong and I can't find a document for idiot who lost their backup.


Help pleeeease!?


OK, I panicked.  I just fixed it minutes later.  I was able to determine the drive sequence by looking at the data.  Shut down the array.  Assigned the parity... And I'm back in business.  disc1/disc2/flash went away for //tower, and now I see all my shares.


Glad you got this figured out.  Looks like you did the right thing.


In the future, it would be a good idea to have a backup outside of the unRAID system (goes without saying) and also take screenshots of your array after any time it's changed.  I'd suggest you create an "unRAID" folder on one of another computer for backups so it can be easily searched for.


And not to be too a-retentive, but I have a printout of the unRAID main screen showing all 22 of my drives with serial numbers versus parity, disk#, and cache.  I slid it in the outer sleeve of a 3-ring binder that I use for storing unRAID documentation.


It came in very handy when I switched motherboards recently.


I have the same sheet taped to the inside of my PC's removable side. I pull a drive or install another I can simply just pencil it in or erase it.


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