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unraid 5.0 smb share - Can't access from windows 7


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I feel silly for having to resort to asking for help with this, but it has so far stumped me a bit.


I just upgraded to 5.0 (12a) from 4.7 and when accessing my shares i'm greeted by a prompt saying no access.


I can access the shares disk1, disk2, flash etc (E.g i can see all the Share folders, and even write to these directories, Except for any directory that is also a user share), but the shares themselves don't seem to be accessible! Anybody had any experience similar to this? The account on the windows machine is the same as on unraid, also both on same workgroup etc. I've been scouring the internet looking for solutions for the past hour and everything i've tried has returned no results!


Sorry if this has been posted before! (I did do a search but perhaps i used the wrong keywords)

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is that


then utils

then new permissions ?


This is a one-time action to be taken after upgrading from a pre-5.0 unRAID server release to version 5.0. It is also useful for restoring default ownership/permissions on files and directories when transitioning back from Active Directory to non-Active Directory integration.


This will start a background process that goes to each of your data disks and cache disk and change all file and directory ownership (uid/gid) to 99/100, i.e., to nobody/users. In addition it sets permissions as follows:


For directories:



For read/write files:



For readonly files:


This process can take a long time if you have many files.



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