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Docker-container inside VM using all CPU cores/ht ignoring CPU pinning


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Hi UNRAID community,


as the titel already discribes the issue, I run 2 docker containers (lancache+dns) inside an ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS vm.

The vm is configured to only have 2 cores and 2 ht.

But as soon as the conatiners start to use CPU resources, while steam-downloads for example, the whole physical CPU in the systems goes to almost 100% and ignores the cpu pinning of the vm.

If I start a CPU stress-test on the VM with s-tui, only the 2+2 cpus are used.

The vm has 4 disks (3 passthrough in lvm) but reading or writing to either of them, does not increase the CPU usage


My system runs Unraid 6.12.4 on a AMD Ryzen 7 3700X


Is this a KVM bug or something?

I know I cloud run the containers in UNRAID directly but I prefere the passthrough disks instead of array disks for the lancache






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