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First Time with failing Drive

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Need a Little help.


I am new to unraid and it's been working great. but it seems I have my first bad HD.


it is my disk 4 but I am unsure how to replace it properly.


I looked at the guide but still completely sure on the procedure.


I am guessing this is the right steps


Step 1. Stop the array.

Step 2. Power down the unit.

Step 3. Remove the bad drive

Step 4. Replace the bad drive with a new one.

Step 5. Power up the server.


now here is the confusing part.


I am assuming the unraid will show that the disk is missing, so will the array not start? or will it mount? If it does mount will I have to stop the array again?

assuming that the array does not mount. I am guessing that the disk 4 spot will be red. do I then goto the devices tab and then put the new drive in the disk 4 position? If that is correct will the array then start to automatically rebuild once I start the array?


any help will be appreciated

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Need a Little help.


I am new to unraid and it's been working great. but it seems I have my first bad HD.


it is my disk 4 but I am unsure how to replace it properly.


I looked at the guide but still completely sure on the procedure.


I am guessing this is the right steps


Step 1. Stop the array.

Step 2. Power down the unit.

Step 3. Remove the bad drive

Step 4. Replace the bad drive with a new one.

Step 5. Power up the server.


now here is the confusing part.


I am assuming the unraid will show that the disk is missing, so will the array not start? or will it mount? If it does mount will I have to stop the array again?

assuming that the array does not mount. I am guessing that the disk 4 spot will be red. do I then goto the devices tab and then put the new drive in the disk 4 position? If that is correct will the array then start to automatically rebuild once I start the array?


any help will be appreciated

Since we do not know what version of unRAID you are using, we cannot tell you what to expect.


If a 4X version, the array will notice you changed the drive, and say something like it will re-construct the replacement once you start the array.


If a recent 5.0beta version you'll probably need to assign the replacement drive to its slot in the array and then start the array.


Joe L.

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  • 2 months later...

I have unraid 4.5.4 with 3 data disks (2 SATA  (1 TB each) and 1 IDE (40 GB) )  and 1 cache drive (20 GB IDE).


The IDE drive went bad and I replaced it with another 300 GB drive that I had lying around from a recently upgraded computer. So, unraid starts rebuilding the drive and after it is done rebuilding 86% (approx 260 GB), it starts having IO errors and the rebuilding process stops. I guess, this drive is also bad.


Can I use another 40 GB drive to rebuild this lost drive or do I have to have a 300 GB or greater drive? I have not done any writing to any of the drives after I replaced the 40 GB drive.


I am planning to upgrade and rebuild my unraid - new Motherboard, CPU, more SATA drives etc, but I do not want to start that until my current unraid is consistent and running fine.






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I have unraid 4.5.4 with 3 data disks (2 SATA  (1 TB each) and 1 IDE (40 GB) )  and 1 cache drive (20 GB IDE).


The IDE drive went bad and I replaced it with another 300 GB drive that I had lying around from a recently upgraded computer. So, unraid starts rebuilding the drive and after it is done rebuilding 86% (approx 260 GB), it starts having IO errors and the rebuilding process stops. I guess, this drive is also bad.


Can I use another 40 GB drive to rebuild this lost drive or do I have to have a 300 GB or greater drive? I have not done any writing to any of the drives after I replaced the 40 GB drive.


I am planning to upgrade and rebuild my unraid - new Motherboard, CPU, more SATA drives etc, but I do not want to start that until my current unraid is consistent and running fine.






unfortunately, the file system has already been expanded, so the only way you could use a 40Gig drive is if you had saved a copy of the config/super.dat file from BEFORE you swapped in the larger drive.


If not, it is possible to set a new initial disk configuration and ALSO (BEFORE YOU START THE ARRAY) tell unRAID that it is the failed disk to re-construct rather than the parity drive.  IT IS RISKY, since if you give the wrong command, you wipe out parity and the ability to recover what is on the failed drive.


Joe L.

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Joe - thanks for the update. I do not want to risk any problems, so I will go and purchase a 300 GB drive and replace it.


Should I run the "preclear_disk.sh" script on the new drive before I try add a new drive to the array? maybe that would that helped figure out disk issues before adding them to the array.





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I am runnig unraid 4.5.4.


I added a new 2 port SATA controller to the unraid server and added a 750 GB SATA drive to replace my bad 300 GB IDE drive.

Unraid recognized my drive and started rebuilding the disk. But, after some time, the server would just hang. I am no longer able to ping it and not able view my unmenu and regular unraid home page. I can't type on the console either to login.


When I reboot the server, It always restarts or continues the rebuild process. One time, the server remained running for a few minutes and I was able to use unmenu to download my syslog. I have attached it.


Can anyone help me figure out what is wrong and how to fix this.






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I have attached a zip file that contains:

1. unmenu main page (shows the 4 drives and the status)

2. screentshot of memtest results (no issues here)

3. the last 2 syslog downloads


Each time, I reboot, disk3 starts rebuilding and the server hangs up within 30 secs to 2 minutes. Hence I am not able to run any smart reports on the disks.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I will be at work rest of the day, so I wont be able to make changes, but I will monitor the post and answer any questions the best I can.







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Thank you very much. I did do a chkdsk and it came back with no errors. I then kept a tail -f on the syslog on my console and captured the following message (attached image). I think the issue was with my new 2 port SATA card. I  decided to convert my unraid to a 2 disk unraid array. So, finally, I went back to my old 1 port SATA card and then the parity rebuild went through successfully.



Now, I will upgrade my motherboard and unraid version. I do not have any more issues at this time.


Thanks for your help.



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