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Wrong encryption key

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Unraid 6.11.5


Hey guys, 


Just powered off my system to do some maintenance on the server. After restarting it, I can't decrypt my drives. I used the option to decrypt/encrypt the drives with the keyfile option. I created an empty file and used it to en/decrypt my drives. A year ago, I de/encrypted the drives with the same key multiple times with no issues. Now it says "Wrong encryption key". Could it be that by using an empty file that somehow the hash or something has changed?. Maybe because my machine that I store the key on changed some metadata of the file?. Did anyone experience something like that before? Any help is appreciated.



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Hey, so it's not the RAM, when setting up my encryption I just created an empty file gave it a name and used that as the encryption key. It worked, I could decrypt and encrypt. Now same key it doesn't. My question would be, does Unraid do some random stuff with the key while encrypting the drives, or does it just use the cryptsetup openLuks logic? Because if it would just use the file's content. Shouldn't I be able to recreate the key just by creating the same empty file again?


If there is no way, I guess I will wipe my drives -_- 

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