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Help Needed: Slow UI, Plex Buffering, and High CPU Usage on Unraid NAS

Go to solution Solved by takkkkkkk,

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I'm looking for assistance with some challenging issues I've been facing with my recently set up Unraid NAS. Here's a breakdown of the problems:


  • Slow UI Response: Anytime I try to make an edit to docker / app, there's a considerable delay, ranging from 2 to 5 minutes. During this time, I am completely locked out of the UI, which is quite frustrating.
  • Plex Buffering Issues: I'm experiencing constant buffering on Plex, and it's not limited to high-resolution content. This happens with both 4K and 1080p videos. I primarily use a Shield for streaming, and the buffering issue persists irrespective of the video quality.
  • High CPU Usage: I've noticed that thread 0 of my CPU is often maxed out at 100% for extended periods. This seems unusual and could be related to the issues above.

To address these, I've isolated CPU threads 0 and 16, and pinned all Docker containers and VMs (including Home Assistant) to avoid using these threads. However, this hasn't resolved the issues.


I've attached my diagnostic file for a more in-depth look into my setup. Any insights, suggestions, or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping to resolve these issues and get my unraid running smoothly.

Thank you in advance for your help!


Edited by takkkkkkk
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