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Questions about a major motherboard upgrade.

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Unraid has been the flagship of my Home Lab for many years. Worth every penny. Kudos to the developers. It's been running on a 4th gen Intel i7 with 32gig.  It has 3 4TB spinners, a 2TB spinner and 2 SSDs.  I've purchased a 9th gen Intel i7 mb with 32gig for the upgrade.


I've read some of the forum/reddit posts about upgrades like this. It seems like a fairly simple process. My concern is the generation gap. I'm moving rom a 4th gen to a 9th gen. A lot can happen in 5 generations of a CPU and Chipsets. Is there anything I should be aware of or look out for?



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One thing that can cause problems is if you are moving the disk controller to/from a hardware RAID one instead of between HBA controllers.


Another is if you pass through and hardware to VMs as the IDs of the hardware are almost certain to change.


If you have catered for the above then most of the time the upgrade is painless.

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