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VM + Batocera (*img) on Vdisk?

Go to solution Solved by blackY.,

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Hello everyone,

I am currently trying to set up Batocera as a VM and am encountering some challenges. I initially configured my VM with Windows 11, using the Batocera image as the first disk (vdisk1) and an additional disk (vdisk2) for extra storage.

I was able to pass through my RTX 2070 graphics card without any issues, and the internet connection works flawlessly as well.

My goal now is to install Batocera onto a virtual disk so I can fully utilize its capabilities. However, I find that the *.img file is too small and Batocera attempts to download all packages before the installation can be completed.

The original image batocera-x86_64-x86_64-38-20231014.img could be successfully enlarged after some research. But I noticed that within this image lies another image named 1.userdata.img, which it tries to write to, but is obviously still too small.

Under Windows, it seems impossible to edit the *.img files – it always reports them as corrupted.

In Unraid, I managed to enlarge the outer image, but I'm not making any progress with the inner image. Has anyone here had similar experiences or could offer alternative suggestions? Or has someone else solved it differently? I'm grateful for any hints or assistance!

I've tried multiple times, but the problem persists: the disk is reportedly too small. Inside the *.img file is the 1.userdata.img, which seems to be too small.

Thanks in advance for your help!



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  • Solution

Hello, I just wanted to let everyone know that I've solved the problem. Here are the steps I followed:

1.Download Batocera.

2.Edit a Windows VM to add a 'virtual USB hard drive'.

3.Start the Windows VM and install Batocera on the virtual USB hard drive.

4.Now, you can mount the virtual USB hard drive in a new VM and install everything as you would on a regular computer.

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