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Missing VPN port mappings for radarr container

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I recently had some issues with my radarr container configuration, so had to revert to an older image to resolve. My *arr's are all using nordlynx vpn container for networks. As you can see there are port mappings for qbt and sonarr for :3310 but not for radarr. Can anyone assist with where/how I configure these? Second screenshot shows the docker allocations within the container settings.


Thanks in advance.

Screenshot 2024-01-08 095133.png

Screenshot 2024-01-08 095710.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a related issue and would appreciate some help. I'm running some containers through a VPN container (by setting network type to "None", adding the extra parameter "--net=container:OpenVPN-AIO-Client" and then adding the ports to the VPN container).


As I would expect, the containers with no network of their own do not show any port mappings:





However, if I add a new container or update an existing container with network type "bridge", the port mappings for that container get replicated to all of the containers using the OpenVPN-AIO-Client container's network – e.g. the screenshot below shows what has happened after updating the binhex-krusader container – its port mappings are now showing for transmission and JDownloader2:




This isn't specific to binhex-krusader – if I'd chosen to update a different container with the network type "bridge", that container's port mappings would have been replicated to the containers using the OpenVPN-AIO-Client container's network.


As far as I can tell, this doesn't stop the transmission or JDownloader2 WebUIs from working on their assigned ports (9091 and 5800 respectively), and the binhex-krusader WebUI loads at port 6080, but presumably this port mapping replication should not be happening.


If I force update transmission and/or JDownloader 2, this removes the replicated ports so things are back to looking like the first screenshot, but the issue will occur again the next time any other container with the network type "bridge" is added or updated.


Does anyone know why this is happening?

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