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InProper Shutdowns of unRAID

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Hello Forum,


Was wondering about something!


When I first built my unRAID I remember the drive ARRAY starting right up if I did a powerdown/restart.  But...  My 2year old unplugged the surge protector and unRAID powered down inproperly.  After that I powered up and unRAID did a parity check with 0 errors.. BUT, now when i do a powerdown/restart unRAID will boot up but I have to manually start the Array by clicking "Start Array" in unRAID GUI management utility!


What should I do about this??  This incident happened about 3 weeks ago and one additional Parity Check was done about 10 days ago with 0 errors..



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Do any of your disks have a red ball next to them?


Otherwise, it could just be the Array "Auto Start" is off (this is usually only used in Betas). You can change this by going into Settings -> Disk Settings, and enabling Auto Start.


As always....thanks for reply!!! ;D


No... no red blurbs next to disc info, all Green!!  I forgot to mention that I was running the latest beta 5.0V12a.  Will the path be the same?  I'm assuming i do this in the disc management gui and not unMENU!!

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