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Server logging "mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged"

Go to solution Solved by datagnome,

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Hey all


Shortly after installing the "Fix Common Problems" plugin, my new server started posting the above mentioned error (FCP is totally not the problem, I've got it on another server w/o issue). I reviewed the post about this error and decided to post here with my diagnostics. I'm pretty confident that it is likely the RAM that is at fault but having trouble determining which slot it could be. The motherboard and CPU are brand new though the RAM was canablized from a different server that was running w/o issues the last time I had it turned on.


Server details:

Motherboard: SuperMicro X11SPH-nCTF

CPU: Intel Xeon Bronze 3204


Unraid v6.12.8


3 of the drives do have SMART reported errors though only one is of concern (ST8000NM0105_ZA11TE8Y, Disk 5) though it hasn't incremented the attribute in a while


Let me know if you need any more details!


Edited by datagnome
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Well memtest86 passed. I decided to pull the Supermicro AOC-SLG3-2M2 I installed earlier yesterday and kicked off the copy I was doing. So far no issues so I'm wondering if the machine check errors were coming from the card/NVME even though I actually wasn't using it (drive was detected but not mounted anywhere). I'll see how this looks later this evening.

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Hm still seeing these "mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged" being logged though its only this line, not seeing the memory correction messages I did see before. Maybe it could be due to the way I'm copying the data?



Array -> Disks are all formatted ZFS

Synology NAS -> Mounted the share using SMB using the unassigned devices plugin

Using rsync with the -azvhp syntax so its: rsync -avzhp /mnt/remotes/location1/ /mnt/user/Destination/


Anyone have any recommendations on what else I can test this with?

dgstore-syslog-20240316-1848.zip dgstore-diagnostics-20240316-1448.zip

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