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synology backup to unraid external network

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I would like to ask for help on what method exists for the following task.
I want to make a backup from the synology nas to my unraid server, which is located in another city. So it is clear that they are not on the same network. I've already tried tailscale hyper backup combo, but unfortunately it didn't work. I also tried rsync, but for some reason that didn't work either. Of course, it's a fact that I'm not even an expert on the subject...😅
Thanks in advance for your help.

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I have used rsync to backup for backing up before.     You should give more details about why it did not work.


Have you successfully managed to get a network connection made between the two machines so that they can see each others shares?

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9 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Korábban az rsync-et használtam a biztonsági mentéshez. Részletesebben meg kell adnia, hogy miért nem működött.


Sikeresen sikerült hálózati kapcsolatot létrehozni a két gép között, hogy lássák egymás megosztásait?

The connection was established using Tailscale. After entering synology, I manage to ping the unraid server via ssh. This is where the trouble started. There was no way I could share a folder to access a specific unraid folder via dsm, nor could I set up hyper backup using rsync.
Could you please describe the process of rsync for me, what solution you used?

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I simply mounted the remote shares in Unraid using Unassigned Devices and then ran rsync from the Unraid end using the User Scripts plugin.


You are going to need to sort out what needs doing for one machine to see the others shares.    Cannot help with the details of doing that I am afraid as I have a different combination of end devices from you.

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3 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Egyszerűen felcsatoltam a távoli megosztásokat az Unraidben az Hozzá nem rendelt eszközök segítségével, majd az rsync-et az Unraid végéről futtattam a User Scripts beépülő modul segítségével.


El kell döntenie, mit kell tennie egy gépen, hogy lássa a többi megosztását. Ennek részleteiben nem tudok segíteni, attól tartok, mivel a végberendezések más kombinációja van, mint Ön.

The problem is that I don't only want file-level backup, but also the system, so I have to use hyper backup. What method can I use to connect to unraid via synology using rsync, which are on a completely different network?

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