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Failed HDD - Zero and remove it

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Good Day,

I have a 4tb failed drive in my array. unfortunately i dont have any spare 4tb drives to swap into here and have it rebuild. what i want to do is follow Spaceinvader One's video on safely shrinking an array. im in the process of cleaning up some space that will allow me to use unbalanced to spread the contents of the failed (emulated) drive to all others in the array. than i would like to run the zero out script against the failed (emulated) drive to not loose my parity validation and finally remove the dead drive from the array. 


i guess - is this possible? the dead drive i have physically pulled out of the server - was trying a few tricks to get some life back with no avail.


i have new drives on order however im going now to 18tb vs the 4's i have in there now. when the drives come, i need to add a new larger parity drive (18 TB) than a few additional disks. which i have never added/swapped a parity drive so nervous on this as well. Especially with the emulated drive currently running i would much rather get the dead drive removed from the array before i go mucking with the Parity drives and adding the additional 18s. finally ill be pulling out all the small drives when im finished.


current setup is:

Parity - 4tb

8x 4TB in array (including the dead one)

1x 3TB drive in array. 


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