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Is it possible to change network setting br0 to point to ipvlan

Go to solution Solved by Vatoe,

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Posted (edited)

Long story short made changes to the cache drives on one of my unraid boxes. After the upgrade something happened and my br0 network and it now points to bridge rather than ipvlan. I have tried restarting the docker service etc, but it persists to pointing to this network. As a result there are 2 docker containers (the only two that require static ip, nearly everything else is on proxynet) I cannot set a static IP for via the Br0 as I get "Error response from daemon: Invalid address It does not belong to any of this network's subnets." This used to work without issue. I have checked my other box and br0 does indeed point to ipvlan. Also while trying to research this issue, all the screenshots seem to point to the ipvlan for br0.


Any help would be appreciated.

Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 8.13.27 AM.png

Edited by Vatoe
Posted (edited)

I Would recommend enabling host access to custom networks.


it also appears you set a dhcp pool and the dhcp pool's subnet may be wrong preventing network traffic.




/25 is for a class a or b subnet to help set a number of ip address.

per your ipv4 br0 "custom network" your router dhcp is a cl;ass c subnet /24

you may have a out-of-scope netwrok issue with subnet issues when setting static ip to dockers. Please remove the dhcp pool or fix the /25 to /24

Edited by bmartino1
6 hours ago, bmartino1 said:

I Would recommend enabling host access to custom networks.


it also appears you set a dhcp pool and the dhcp pool's subnet may be wrong preventing network traffic.




/25 is for a class a or b subnet to help set a number of ip address.

per your ipv4 br0 "custom network" your router dhcp is a cl;ass c subnet /24

you may have a out-of-scope netwrok issue with subnet issues when setting static ip to dockers. Please remove the dhcp pool or fix the /25 to /24

Good catch didn't notice that. I have unchecked the DHCP pool, and allowed custom network access, but the network still points to bridge (after server restart) unfortuntely. I check with the relevant docker container still the same error. I though there would have been some command line that could force or remap br0 to ipvlan. No luck on googling this point/issue so far.

  • Solution
Posted (edited)

Okay, I have managed to fix this issue. Anyone who has this issue this should help.


1. Make a current backup of your flash drive (for the just in case scenario)

2. In unraid console remove the docker network database :  rm /var/lib/docker/network/files/local-kv.db

3. Then restart the docker network:   /etc/rc.d/rc.docker restart

After the restart br0 should now point to ipvlan. I am once again able to use a fixed ip address on br0 network for docker containers.

Thanks to bmartino1 for chimming in.


edit: you will need to re-create any custom networks and get your docker containers pointing to the relevant recreated networks. Some of my docker containers didnt restart so I had to reinstall the container with the 'newly' recreated network.



Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 6.41.00 AM.png

Edited by Vatoe
added info and fixed typo
  • Thanks 1

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