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About bmartino1

  • Birthday 09/09/1990


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    Newbie Poster


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    Have not been a part of a Forum since 2005 era.
    I'm only trying to help, I mean no offense.
    Things change drastically I may duplicate ask as it is hard to search and move through past post on this forum.
    Please be patient with me.

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Community Answers

  1. try in browser to see if you can hit a specfic web page: What web browser are you using to connect? http://// in Unraid terminal, what is the output of /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx status
  2. Possible yes should you IMHO no. If you did, i would recommend the deny host plugin. Unraid IMHO is not true enterprise grade software. Its slow to implement security and patches. Some changes due to repositories and packages they use are not always fully up to date. For this reason, I would not trust this system to be a forward facing machine. Is it capable to do so yes.
  3. This would require similar instalion that nextcloud/own cloud does, which is server side encryption. You would require some form of email/telecom voip server (irc for text). If all unraid server were connected to brokerage servers to and management was via the unriad connect, I could see this. Otherwise one could implement this as this is a web page edit and an email code oath change.
  4. Thank you. yes, in USA My ISP charges $15 a month extra for a static public IP. This is what my friend is on now, it it's working like before. This is something I will have to do eventually.
  5. looks like eth0 via br0 is youur mac that you should be using in teh router for dhcpo static mac adress asigment please confirm that mac ac:15:a2:85:1d:0f uis set to static ip of
  6. Correct because the client used ipvaln on the unraid created vlan2 that is assigned to xyz docker... that they are using and that shared the same mac address. Then blow back from unifi network application on how it handled duplicate mac and how unraid handled the syslog network traffic... Caused by miss configuration in both udm pro(UNIFI) and unraid via promisc mode and settings...
  7. power cycle all the things. the error even with a permeant address is that is in use on the network. If you turn off unraid can you ping Terminal is the command line on unraid at boot or if able to ssh into the system to run linux commands. ip a display all your interfaces and current IP assignments.. You may have grabbed the wrong interface address for unraid static ip... Delete the network config in the config folder on the flash drive and let unraid rebuild the network settings...
  8. I also don't see why the devs don't just make a option to have both ipvaln and macvlan and have them veth/ @ tap tun to teh eth0 or interface of choosing in bridge... I have a few ideas to answer, but the devs would be better able to answer... as its is catered to the end users for point click done. Most of this has to go back to the original decision to move off macvlan due to nic promisic mode and not all nic supported it. Then the github macvlan bug report and later when they tried to remove macvaln and move to ipvlan.... Version 6.9 default didn't have a ipvlan docker driver and when they transitioned broke networking. I will never stop sharing this video and think it would enlighten you on to some of the ins and outs to docker networking.
  9. the problem with unifi and ipvaln is that everything from dockers to services use the same mac address and are not logged correctly in the unifi application. macvlan must be used for unifi...
  10. per top in diagnostic you have a zombie process most likely a bad command that killed something but not its parent.. Still reviewing that latter. 32556 root 20 0 0 0 0 Z 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 sh ^-may have been caused by creating diagnostic... per diagnosis, you have a strange go file that remount the log file. Messing with docker system permissions... ^this could also be doing things it shouldn't... #!/bin/bash ##Enable Multi-Gen LRU for better memory management 6.12.x and higher## echo y > /sys/kernel/mm/lru_gen/enabled # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp -p 80 & #Bash Profile #Pulseway setup ###cp /boot/pulseway/config.xml /etc/pulseway/config.xml ###cp /boot/pulseway/ /var/pulseway/ ###Pulse way commands ###/etc/rc.d/rc.pulseway (stop/start/restart) ###/etc/rc.d/rc.pulseway start #Hardware video Transcode Enable and TMP File System #modprobe i915 ***line removed*** #chmod -R 777 /dev/dri #mkdir /tmp/PlexRamScratch #chmod -R 777 /tmp/PlexRamScratch #mount -t tmpfs -o size=32g tmpfs /tmp/PlexRamScratch mount -o remount,size=512m /var/log/ #Docker Shell cp /boot/custom/docker-shell /usr/local/bin chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/docker-shell #SSH Keys Copy and enable #mkdir /root/.ssh #chmod 700 /root/.ssh #cp /boot/config/ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/ #chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys Honestly, alot to go on here. Looks like your using ipvlan to your wireguard tunnel. you have disk write issues vias FCP in syslog... with weird docker bridging with dockers on the vpn. *When running Unifi I highly recommend to use macvlan... so turn off bridging. and have dockers custom network set to macvlan... Apr 24 04:10:00 Thor rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.2102.0" x-pid="19275" x-info=""] rsyslogd was HUPed ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 4 TIMES] ### Apr 24 08:30:14 Thor root: Fix Common Problems Version 2024.04.14 Apr 24 08:30:19 Thor root: Fix Common Problems: Other Warning: Docker application unifi-controller has moderator comments listed Apr 24 08:30:23 Thor root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Write Cache is disabled on disk9 ** Ignored if you have a docker set to host and this docker has a web ui it will override unraids web ui ports.. Honestly, with quite a bit going on it will be hard to pinpoint what causing the problems... looks like the system is getting an static ip: Then we have connections. Apr 22 20:31:31 Thor avahi-daemon[20172]: Registering new address record for on br0.IPv4. But your system has a bunch of veth taped for ipv6... lo UNKNOWN ::1/128 tunl0@NONE DOWN eth0 UP eth1 DOWN br0 UP metric 1 vhost1@eth1 LOWERLAYERDOWN wg0 UNKNOWN br-7f0a9fe8c228 UP fe80::42:3fff:fee6:d8aa/64 br-d773e863805b DOWN docker0 DOWN veth3d6534d@if13 UP fe80::c49f:bfff:fe17:160e/64 virbr0 DOWN veth71a1162@if48 UP fe80::d435:8ff:fe0a:26dc/64 veth5162665@if56 UP fe80::98e8:c2ff:fec8:643a/64 veth6f8d859@if58 UP fe80::d07d:3fff:fe38:afc7/64 vethefb7d55@if60 UP fe80::cc49:4dff:fe81:e468/64 veth5491d77@if62 UP fe80::58bc:efff:fe42:add0/64 vethf386ea9@if64 UP fe80::583b:e2ff:fec2:ecc5/64 veth53f22ab@if66 UP fe80::dc97:ceff:fee4:c25b/64 vethac7393c@if68 UP fe80::1458:5bff:fee5:8e26/64 vethe8f5bfa@if71 UP fe80::bc18:95ff:fe5a:13c7/64 veth95b8b55@if73 UP fe80::d3:f2ff:fe90:de58/64 veth1213c5f@if75 UP fe80::800b:55ff:feed:b1b6/64 veth467cf9c@if77 UP fe80::3cca:12ff:feb6:ff5d/64 veth9b30110@if79 UP fe80::840a:e2ff:fe75:7450/64 vethc107e26@if81 UP fe80::c4ef:31ff:fecc:4ec4/64 veth153f6d8@if83 UP fe80::70a6:1dff:fe16:3f50/64 vethfa5b6aa@if85 UP fe80::5028:8aff:fe5b:f40/64 Made harder as it apears you are trying to omit somethign in the logs... previous line repeated x times is not normal to see in dmesg... So my bet is a misconfigured bind that is caused as it appears the eth1 is the primary adapter due to how vhost taped it and that eth1 is down so is the bind to the web server... -Not sure where nginx web server configs is located, as this may need to be edited to change adapters and restarted to regain web UI. ^BUT! you have a lot going on without any other info so this is a guess... It appears to be an intermittent issue as well... Not sure where to start for you...
  11. are unraid shares still accessible? ssh still accessible? website error # ? 500 / 404 ? reviewing current diagnostic.
  12. ? have you tried to reboot the system since the power outage? you may have that ip address in use on the netwrok form your log: Apr 24 19:06:12 Tower root: Starting Nginx server daemon... Apr 24 19:06:12 Tower nginx: 2024/04/24 19:06:12 [emerg] 5202#5202: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) Apr 24 19:06:12 Tower nginx: 2024/04/24 19:06:12 [emerg] 5202#5202: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) Apr 24 19:06:13 Tower nginx: 2024/04/24 19:06:12 [emerg] 5202#5202: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) Apr 24 19:06:13 Tower nginx: 2024/04/24 19:06:12 [emerg] 5202#5202: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) Apr 24 19:06:13 Tower nginx: 2024/04/24 19:06:12 [emerg] 5202#5202: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) Apr 24 19:06:13 Tower nginx: 2024/04/24 19:06:12 [emerg] 5202#5202: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) Apr 24 19:06:14 Tower nginx: 2024/04/24 19:06:12 [emerg] 5202#5202: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) Apr 24 19:06:14 Tower nginx: 2024/04/24 19:06:12 [emerg] 5202#5202: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) Apr 24 19:06:14 Tower nginx: 2024/04/24 19:06:12 [emerg] 5202#5202: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) Apr 24 19:06:14 Tower nginx: 2024/04/24 19:06:12 [emerg] 5202#5202: bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) whats the current output of terminal command ip a you may need to change the ip addresses to another ip on your network. One that is not in use on the network.
  13. would also like to try the beta test good to know about link:
  14. What router? networking has evolved into weird states over the os generations. when you type gitlab.local are you sure that is your FQDN name? Is your FQDN setup coreclt for your network? My recommendation are: Make sure you're using a macvlan docker network. This way, you can then add extra options to your docker contains for hostname / mac address. see post: Is pihole setup to be the dns option 6 master for records? In piehole you may need to add a custom dns query to corect ip address of gitlab.local Example of my Pihole on unraid: I also added router info from IEEE data and my dockers to assist in the serchdomain issues: Unraid and windows like to use search domain .localdomain this may need to be added to your dhcp server option 15 and 119 to localdomain Linux likes to use .lan/local sometimes localhost otherwise, you may need to edit your machines host file to add a manul record for to gitlab.local