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[Solved] Extremely poor write performance to NVME Pool

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I've a pool I've set up which is a pair of NVME drives in Btrfs, it doesn't act as a cache and merely as a mirror pool to act as fast storage between my machines, all of which are hard wired together via a 10gb switch. 


I get good numbers when writing sequential files to the drives over the network and can saturate the 10gb connection until the cache of the drives fills up.

Also transferring files to and fro with windows explorer also performs acceptably.

However, when I have a program writing directly to the nas, it becomes prohibitively slow.

Reaper exporting an Mp3 for example will run at 2-3x realtime when writing to the nas, as opposed to 30-50x when writing to a local drive (taking 15+ minutes to export a 20mb mp3)


Rokoko will slow to a crawl attempting to export similar, small files, blender will go from a physics bake taking 20 minutes to 12.5 hours.

It's obviously unusable for it's purpose, and I am at a loss as to how to proceed, at the moment I just have to fragment where I'm saving my data  and that is obviously not the solution I'm trying to achieve here.

Some people advise this is just unraid being bad and not handling NVME drives well, is this the case? Or can something be done about it?

Edited by Excypher
  • Excypher changed the title to [Solved] Extremely poor write performance to NVME Pool

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