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Create new share to contain contents of previous shares?

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Hi all.


When I first set up my unRaid I didn't have a lot of forethought and set up different shares for TV Shows and Movies. I have recently added an "Odds & Ends" share and broke out an "Animated Shows" share. Now I want to add a "Christmas Stuff" share.


All this would be great but I keep having to add the auto mounts in my login items on my Mac and now I'm thinking it would be *much* easier to have a "Media" share that has folders for all the previous shares.




Then the how to of it? I don't have enough space to copy everything first so I'm gonna be stuck using the mv command I think?

Plan would be something like this:

Create Media share. Create folders for Movies, TV Shows, etc.

telnet in and "mv" contents of share Movies to folder Movies in the Media share


Is there a better or smarter way to do this?


Any help is appreciated!






You might also consider mc (midnight commander) for doing the moves.


Create your Media share, have that in 1 pane, then traverse your other shares and move (F6) the entire folders (and any sub-folders)



It's pretty simple and will take little time. Just open each disk share, create the new share directory and then drag and drop the old shares into the new share and they will be moved in a second. Just make sure the drag and drop is a move and not a copy.


Stop and start the array once you have everything moved and the shares page should update to reflect the new setup so you can modify the settings as you see fit.





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