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A plugin for advanced users installing SnapRAID onto UNRAID systems.


Possible Use-Cases:

  • Parity protection and a degree of corruption detection/repair for custom-mounted (e.g. using UD), possibly mergerFS-fused/pooled, unassigned disks outside of the primary Unraid array - either due to not always being online (cold backups) or exceeding the maximum possible array size of 30 disks, as commonly seen with large mixed disk JBOD/DAS solutions not wanting or being able to go full ZFS (primary use-case).
  • A degree of corruption detection/repair for rarely changing large file libraries (e.g. on media or backup servers) in conjunction with Unraid parity, sacrificing an Unraid array data disk for SnapRAID parity to leverage the advantages of both Unraid and SnapRAID (experimental use-case).
  • You tell me - post here if you have another exciting use case that worked well for your specific storage needs.

General Usage Warning:

As with any software interacting with your data, only ever use it on backed up data and in combination with a solid backup strategy.

Read the manual and help-texts before acting and if you do not understand a 100% what you are doing, please just do not do it... 🙂 


This thread is not really for teaching how to use SnapRAID. It is primarily intended for reporting and solving problems around the plugin itself. If the detailed SnapRAID manual and amply provided hover/F1 help-texts are not enough to bring clarity on using the software, this plugin will most likely have no real benefit for you (no offense). It was made for advanced users with very specific storage needs, not to just play around with without purpose (if you value your data).


Installable via Community Applications


Edited by Rysz
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