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New user migrating from QNAP to Unraid

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Long time reader, first time writer... I've been using QNAP boxes to host my media for the last 10-15 years and finally liberated myself this week! After a day or so of fiddling, and immeasurable help from previous threads and commenters here, I now have my first UNRAID server up and running 😃


Now that I'm in business, I'm looking at the best way to transfer app. 15TB of data from my previous environment to this new box. My old setup is a QNAP TS-251+ running two disks as JBOD, with a TR-004 external enclosure attached. The TR-004 stores the bulk of my files. A few short tests, however, showed that transfer speeds with this current setup (over ethernet), are as low as 10MB/s - I'd like to speed that up. 


As an experiment, I unmounted the TR-004 from the QNAP NAS and plugged it into the UNRAID server. It's recognized and shows up in Unassigned Devices, which gave me hope I could mount it and speed up the data transfer. But when I try to mount it, I get a "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock..." error. 


Does anyone know if/how a helper program can be installed to enable the drives on the TR-004 to be mounted? 


EDIT/ADDITION: after further internet sleuthing, running a blkid command showed the volume has a PTTYPE="gpt", indicating that it is lacking a file system (?). fsck -N then returned fsck.ext2 for that volume.


Is there a way I can mount this TR-004 volume and view the data on it by adding a filesystem? I'm a bit beyond my capabilities here 😅 

Edited by daveb1
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