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[SOLVED] Another "BLK_EH_NOT_HANDLED" issue during rebuild?


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Ever since a recent power failure (may not be related) I've not been able to complete a parity check.  The server is also becoming unresponsive after a few hours.


I've had a similar problem in the past when using beta 14 which I believe was related to that spindown problem, but I'm not 100% sure on that. I've since reverted to beta 12 which seems to have resolved it, but now it seems to be happening again  ???


All drives are green in the webUI.  All the data seems to be intact.  Complete syslog attached.  Running beta 12a.




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Hmm... something very strange is now happening.  One of my disks came up as failed (the newest one I just replaced, interestingly enough).

I stopped the array and it said that the failed disk has been replaced and was now blue (it wasn't).  It thought the "new" disk was 2TB, when in fact it is only 1.5 TB.  I rebooted again and now it's expecting a 2 TB disk in place of it.


This is really bizarre.  Is it possible that hot swap bay is bad?


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Reading around the forums it seems like it's a mystery with the 2xSupermicro AOC-SASLP-MV8 SAS controllers.  I did another hard reboot after another freeze while rebuilding the parity, stopped the rebuild, spun down all the disks and spun them back up without issue.  I then disabled spindown completely (used to be 2 hours) and am starting another rebuild.


I'm really just guessing over here as I'm not intimately familiar with linux enough to be comfortable to really poke around.


Any feedback would be much appreciated.  Thanks guys!

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