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unraid connect ssl cert error

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I have been getting this error when clicking on the check toi test if unraid connect works


I have noticed if i delete the Certificate and apply a new one it will work for an un specific amount of time coulkd be a few houres to days



I have already uninstalled unraid connect and reset it up, this has caused a seconf server ot appear in the dashboard.

But I still have this issue


Advise apreciated on how to resolve this.


Will upload diagnostics later

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I removed your image because it showed some private information.


The web server is setup for a different WANIP than the one you are using.


Is there more than one WANIP for your network? Unraid Connect Remote Access works in the simple case when there is a single WANIP, nothing complex VPNs or CGNAT.


If the WANIP changed recently, you can try opening a web terminal and running:

/etc/rc.d/rc.nginx reload

to configure the web server for the current IP.

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On 6/26/2024 at 4:37 PM, ljm42 said:

I removed your image because it showed some private information.


The web server is setup for a different WANIP than the one you are using.


Is there more than one WANIP for your network? Unraid Connect Remote Access works in the simple case when there is a single WANIP, nothing complex VPNs or CGNAT.


If the WANIP changed recently, you can try opening a web terminal and running:

/etc/rc.d/rc.nginx reload

to configure the web server for the current IP.

Hi thanks for this

But no only have the one WAN IP,  would this mean whenever my external IP changes unraid connect will not work unless I run this command?


I will run this next Time I see this error 

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