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Server is crashing/hibernating? after operating for a few

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I am relatively new with unraid. I have it running a plex server, with the arr apps etc. It was working just fine for a long long time... like 5 months. Lately, I have noticed that I cannot access the webgui. When i go to the server to investigate, the screen is in hibernation. I press a key on the keyboard to wake it up, and the screen comes on, but then it's a crapshoot if the server comes back online or not. Sometimes it does, and I can access plex, the arr apps, and the webgui. Sometimes, it just sits there at the login, and I am unable to access anything.


I might be dumb, but I did some basic troubleshooting steps I saw in other posts, Deleted /config/ssh,ssl, and allowed it to rebuild. To no avail. I even backed up the thumbdrive to my pc, wiped it clean, and did a fresh unraid build, then restored the key, and config folder. Only to have the exact same thing happen. 


So, that's about the extent of my steps. I did notice it had a lot of problems trying to update apps, and seemed to get stuck updating sonarr. That was about when this all began.

Please see the attached diagnostics, and let me know if you have any suggestions. Or any questions to aid in troubleshooting.


**edit** I cannot ssh into the server when it is in its "limbo" mode, but I am able to ping it on the network.




Edited by eddietheaxe
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Hi there.


Thank you so much for the reply, as I am new to unraid, I had to look up exactly how to do that. As well as I noticed something strange. It seems like after I boot the server up, it works.... until i connect to plex, an arr app ets via web gui. Then it gets disconnected, and I have to go back to the server to reboot.


Here is the diagnostics after i enabled syslog server. Please advise.





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Thanks for the advice. I'm currently trying, but it's hard. As I cannot access the webgui except for like, in the most random of moments. I've deelted every app on the server except plex, and sabnzbd and it's still having problems. Is this what you ment? To uninstall all the apps one at a time?



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