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Lossy Off-Site Image Backup

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I have 2 Unraid servers running at two different locations, one as the main server and the other as the off-site backup.

There are roughly 7TB of images, 4TB of which are in raw. However for the off-site backup, raw is not necessary and compressing would save a ton of space.


Is there a way to tell the regular rsync backups to also reencode raws to jpegs and deal with the file name, size and creation date being different in subsequent backups?

Or is there a tool that can do this?

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wireguard vpn setup both to be a server and client.

unraid vpn: image.png.42f28bb0a375ed52726ce4eb93949122.png
this way they can ping and talk to each other...

nfs conect to a share / mount the backup unraid as a folder on the main to copy/rsync files...

userscript plugin
rsync copy between the two over wiregurad...

Example rsync script


# Define the source and destination directories

# Path to the exclude file
#Make tree form lxc updates:
cd /mnt/user/appdata/lxddata/
rm tree.txt
touch tree.txt
find . -type f > /mnt/user/appdata/lxddata/tree.txt


# Create the destination directory if it doesn't exist
#mkdir -p "$DESTINATION"

# Run the rsync command with the exclude-from option
# Using -vv for more verbose output
time rsync -avrlptgo -vv --exclude-from="$EXCLUDE_FILE" "$SOURCE" "$DESTINATION"

Other option manual intervention..
enable ssh on the backup unraid.
install the filezilla docker. and use sftp to connect to and send the files...


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