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No internet access after installing second nic

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I currently upgrade my network to use 2.5 Gbit and while doing so I installed a 2.5 Gbit nic in my Unraid server. Everything looks fine except my Unraid has no internet access anymore.

I do have 2 enabled network cards at the moment: eth0 is the new 2.5 Gbit card and eth1 is the 1 Gbit onboard card.


From my point of view it looks like I have the wrong network routes. I already tried to delete and recreate them but the webinterface doesn't let me delete them.


Trying to reach anything outside of my own LAN I get the following error:

root@Apollo:/# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable


The important part: It's trying to reach the internet via which is assigned to the old eth1 interface which isn't connected. It should take the (eth0).


I've attached the diagnostics if needed.





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