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Active Directory User Authentication

Go to solution Solved by markc1986,

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Good evening from a unusually sunny Ireland :)


So I've spent the best part of today fiddling with Samba based active directory.  Apologies for length but I want to give the whole story.


I started a year (or more) ago with an ubuntu vm on my unraid host running a Samba AD - very successful but I couldn't join this AD from unraid - it shuts down the vm's as part of the joining process.


Over the last couple of days I successfully moved my AD over to a raspberry pi with the VM acting as backup - all appears to work perfectly.  Got my head around DNS and everything.


Trouble starts when I try to join the AD domain on Unraid.


1.  I start with the GUI - shutdown the Array, turn off Samba, turn on Samba with Active Directory, enter details and nothing.  It just says "not joined."


2. I go to the command line and enter net ads join -U Administrator this works after a fashion but it fails to configure DNS.


3. To fix the DNS issue I have to edit the /etc/hosts file and add Tower 


I'm then able to join the AD from the command line, query users the works.


However, the GUI still shows as "Not Joined" and I cannot add AD users to any shares or the like.  Ultimately I want to be able to authenticate users from my windows machines.


Here's hoping someone can help!



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what router system do you have?

are you open to running a dns server?
-IE Pihole?
Pihole uses dnsmasq and can be setup as a dns server only no blocking but gives you the ability to add dns quarries. Either setup the router dhcp option 6 to use pihole and tell the windows client to use it to handle dns nslookups to the unraid / samba server....

It appears that your network doesn't allow netbios / dns name nor has a arp entry setup for your unraid box / samba server.

You may need to use the user script plugin to edit samba similar to your needs from your ubuntu VM...

see post regarding editing and using a custom samba config:

I'm not aware of full or partial implement Active directly capabilities added to unraid. There are old post on the form goin over it and some talks.
you may need to install nerd tool and add extra Slackware x86_64 packages to add this functionality to unraid samba...

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The major problem with your technique is that, by bypassing the GUI and making changes directly in the OS, you're creating several issues:

  1. The changes that you're making will be erased on every reboot. Changes to /etc aren't persistent in Unraid.
  2. The Unraid GUI isn't aware of the changes that you made in the OS (since the changes aren't in the "right" place), therefore it shows that the AD connection hasn't been established.

I'd back up a few steps... restart the server, then try to join AD using the GUI. Assuming that fails, generate diagnostics / check syslog / check /var/log/samba and see if something gives a hint about why you're having trouble connecting.

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