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Making Sense of my SMART data

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I switched from Windows Server 2008 in part because WS2k8 didn't have a great way of keeping an eye on SMART data (at least I didn't see it).  Well, I have unRAID all installed and just precleared my 5 1tb drives.  I've attached a screen from My Main showing all the drives having reallocated sectors. What does this mean for me?  I'm on 5.0 beta14. 


Is there a way to show the full reports for all my drives?



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Yes there is a way to get the full smart reports, go to the page that lists all the drives and look for a button to run the smart reports (I'm not near that machine at the moment so can't give an exact instruction).  You can also run the smart tool from the command line.


I would be pretty worried about the two drives with over 100 sectors reallocated.  At least you should be keeping an eye on these numbers to make sure they don't keep growing. 


If you look at the smart reports that get posted on this site from time to time you will see that most drives have very few reallocated sectors.






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Personally I'd be worried about drive sdd and to a less extent drive  sdc, from the sdd smart report the line:



  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct  0x0033  089  089  005    Pre-fail  Always      -      346


shows that 346 problem sectors have been reallocated out of the drive's spare sector pool and implies there is still a lot of the spare pool left, the normalized number is 089 (which was 100 when all was good) and the drive will be declared bad when this drops to 005, so there's still about 84% of the spare pool left before the drive gets flagged as bad.  However, I don't recall seeing many drive reports here with more than this number of bad sectors, most people here seem to get worried when this passes 10 or 20.


This would be a good time to get a spare drive and pre-clear it a few times in case you need to replace it quickly.






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