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Tailscale Plugin - Error when loading plugin page

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First what happened is i had to replace my usb drive because it was dying. On that system, tailscale PLUGIN was installed and working perfect.
I took a backup of my corrupted USB and saved it to my computer
I flashed a BRAND NEW IMAGE because i wanted to start all over because of possible corruption during the backup.
I transfered my Lifetime key over.
I transfered my array.cfg over so that way my arrays were intact.

All and everything booted great with arrays intact. Complete fresh reinstall.

However things ive noticed was that previously installed apps such as TAILSCALE plugin, and MariaDB etc all were not working when installing them during the pull it would say "already installed" and only pull some parts of the docker imgs. e.g. nextcloud, mariadb, plex, tailscale - (plex and nextcloud i got working)
I just want to know what I can do to fix this issue, so its actually the plugin GUI so I can install the Tailscale plugin. 

Screenshot 2024-08-27 172433.png

Screenshot 2024-08-27 173013.png

Screenshot 2024-08-27 185626.png

Edited by JayRoyal
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This topic can be closed - my resolution was to go into the terminal MC - go through every folder and delete everything tailscale related and reboot the system and it worked. Ideal? No, it took 10 hours of going through every single folder and subfolder to find all tailscales remnents

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I'm not certain what happened initially, I would have to guess that somehow the Tailscale plugin got half-installed somehow during your recovery efforts.


FYI -- Unraid reinstalls itself on every boot, so if you want to erase Tailscale, all you really need to do is remove:





And reboot -- it will be as if Tailscale was never there. (This is true for any plugin, actually.)

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