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Emby showing upload data 36.6gb every hour on Unifi

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Hey, I realise this post isn't in the docker forum. I believe this is something to do with unraid or my setup as this happens on any emby container I use (official or linuxserver).

Any help tracking down what this is would be wonderful.


Emby showing upload data 36.6gb every hour on my Unifi router traffic console.


Sometimes it's 36.6, others its 36.9.


This is a clean install, no other emby devices on my network, remote access turned off, no firewall rules to the container and purely local access.


Although is worrying, it feels more like incorrect setup. I have tried the container on the unraid ip and an extra IP. Seems to happen more often when not on the unraid IP.

Nothing in emby or unraid logs for the times this happens. 



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