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docker template with long text field, change type to multiline field

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For some containers, often AI or compute type containers, I often need to specify quite a bit in both post arguments and extra parameters fields.


Request is for the html field type be changed to a multi line (textarea), and for the following reasons:

  • easier to see the full command
  • allows use of line continuation for nicer formatting of command in the same way that would be compatible in command line






Proposed change to multi line:



Proposed change to multi line, where user can format for better readability


(note I've missed the line continuation in this example)


The code change on webpage to do this is something like

Current:  <dd><input type="text" name="contPostArgs"></dd>
Proposed: <dd><textarea name="contPostArgs" spellcheck="false" style="resize: both; overflow: auto"></textarea></dd>


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